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What is Lorem Ipsum Text? 

In the modern design world, Lorem Ipsum is the industry standard when placing dummy text onto an unfinished page, whether it's a newspaper, magazine, or advertisement. The Latin text was first used in the 16th century, when a printer scrambled a row of type (known as a “galley”) so it could be used in a book that showcased the type's quality. This text saw a resurgence when electronic typesetting became popular in the 1960s, mainly because the French typography company Letraset started selling sheets with Lorem Ipsum.

What is Lorem Ipsum Text? 

In the modern design world, Lorem Ipsum is the industry standard when placing dummy text onto an unfinished page, whether it's a newspaper, magazine, or advertisement. The Latin text was first used in the 16th century, when a printer scrambled a row of type (known as a “galley”) so it could be used in a book that showcased the type's quality. This text saw a resurgence when electronic typesetting became popular in the 1960s, mainly because the French typography company Letraset started selling sheets with Lorem Ipsum.